V1.2 - UI Update and Free Look Camera!

Welcome and thanks for playing Legacy Of Embers! The purpose of this is to give a little more detail and context on the changes we made in the most recent update, V1.2.

All New UI Elements - We got rid of the white box, barebones UI and replaced it with a suite of brand new, original art to improve the look of the HUD and other screens. I will say, it looks sleek!

Dynamic UI For Turn Data - Each turn, you are given a maximum "move time" that signals how long you can spend running around the map. This resource was tracked with a countdown timer, but now we have an ultra cool green ramp that winds down as you run. Likewise, the number of attacks left is now tracked with three green squares as opposed to boring text. We understand that the UI for maximum builds is now missing, just know that for now its 3 (and an indicator will let you know when you have reached the maximum)!

Free Look Camera - It's hard to enjoy the low-poly art without seeing it from all angles! Now we have a dynamic, free look camera that follows around the actor who is currently taking their turn. Controllable by the player using good-ol'-fashioned WASD.

Turn Indicators - Is it your turn or your enemy's? Now you know! Thanks to some really basic popup text.

Controls - A quick note of how to play the game can be found on the pause screen. We know we need some sort of tutorial for this game, keep an eye out in future iterations!

Melee Weapon: Pipe Wrench - Our hero is not a master swordsman or even remotely talented in close combat. So, what better way to bash up enemy's than with his trusty Pipe Wrench! He mostly uses it to build robots but when push comes to shove it makes for an excellent bludgeoning tool. We know melee attacks are currently gimped (we took a step toward fixing that this iteration), but give it a try! We increased its damage, too!

Change to Nighttime - Keeping things fresh, we changed the time of day in the scene to night! Why not! And because you can now look at the beautiful night sky with our Free Look camera, we added a nice and basic skybox with BOXOPHOBIC's Polyverse Skies package. We fully endorse this asset!

We hope you enjoyed the newly updated game, and I hope to have you back next week for another content update. Thanks for reading!

Best Regards,

Brandon from TheIndieDream


LegacyOfEmbers_Windows64.zip 33 MB
Jun 19, 2021
LegacyOfEmbers_MacOSX.zip 33 MB
Jun 19, 2021
LegacyOfEmbers_Linux_x86_64.zip 35 MB
Jun 19, 2021

Get Legacy Of Embers - June 2021 Demo

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